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By the spring of 1992, Jeff Forman had been serving as the Assistant Messianic Rabbi of Congregation Beth Yeshua (CBY) in Philadelphia for about six years. But something was about to change.


Suddenly, over and over again while both Jeff and Janet were having their personal devotions, the Lord began to visit them individually. During these times, as they were reading the Bible, God began to greatly illuminate scriptures relating to "a calling out".

Rabbi Jeff and Janet Forman

As they thought and prayed about this, it became clear that the Lord indeed was calling them to pioneer a brand new Messianic Jewish synagogue...somewhere.


They immediately began to look for opportunities and thought that London England was a possibility. When they pursued that door, nothing happened. In fact, nothing happened for two years.


Then, in 1994, they went with a group from Beth Yeshua to visit a congregation in Toronto that was experiencing a moving of God's Spirit, The Toronto Airport Vineyard. While in Toronto, the Spirit began to move in their hearts again. Could this be the city?


Feeling led by the Spirit, they decided to visit the city of Toronto again,

and upon arrival they saw the following bus:


When they saw this bus, the Spirit of God spoke to them and said,

"Not London, Toronto!"


Having been provided many other miraculous signs, Jeff and Janet were

confident that Toronto was the city and 'now' was the time.


In September 1995, Jeff and Janet and their three little girls Yael, Shira and

Dalya moved to Canada to start what would be called City of David

Messianic Synagogue. Their son, Ari, was born in Canada a few years later.


Jeff and his wife Janet founded City of David Messianic Synagogue in 1995. City of David is a member synagogue of the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS). He is also ordained as a rabbi by the IAMCS.  


Rabbi Jeff currently is President of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) and is an Executive Rabbi on the Board of the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS). He also serves on the Board of Directors for the following organizations: 


  • The Messianic Times (MT)

  • Jewish Voice Canada (JVMC)

  • Reach Initiative International (ReachII)

  • Moaz Israel Ministries Canada (MI)

How Rabbi Jeff came to believe that Yeshua is the Messiah......
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