Dear Friend,
It seems that history was made on September 26th 2020. Could it be that God is restoring a headship anointing to Jewish believers in these Last Days?
“Shabbat Shuvah,” the Sabbath of Return takes place on the Sabbath between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. In Judaism, this is a day of repentance and seeking mercy from God that our names may be inscribed in the Book of Life. On this very day, Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish rabbi, led a huge international prayer gathering of believers called “The Return” which was broadcast from the National Mall in Washington D.C. Cahn’s “Return” led believers from around the world in a time of prayer, fasting and repentance.
Watched by almost a million people, this powerful call to repentance and revival was significant and groundbreaking not only because of its content and spiritual vibrancy, but because it was spearheaded by a Messianic Jew. Other Messianic leaders were involved, including Paul Wilbur and Marty Goetz.
The dry bones are arising and God is breathing new life into His chosen people. Believers around the world seem to be looking to the Messianic Movement for leadership in end-time revival for which we are very grateful.
Israel has always been God’s time-clock for Biblical prophecy. It truly is a unique nation. The physical nation has been restored and the spiritual Messianic movement is being restored to headship within the Body of Messiah. We are truly living in the Last Days!
My prayer is that the teaching below, "The Uniqueness of Israel", will touch your heart and increase your understanding and love for Israel and the Jewish People.
With love in Messiah Yeshua,
Rabbi Jeff Forman Executive Director